I probably spent about 30 minutes sifting through the different background images Blogger had to offer for the "perfect" representation of what some may consider my crazy. There's no real category for explaining my need for order and efficiency. I'm not even really sure how it was that I came about this random picture of a set of eggs, but the moment I saw that one lone white egg, I knew this was the one.
One white egg among a sea of brown eggs. Some might say that this is a representation of being unique, of how great it is to stand out among so many other homogeneous entities. The reality of it, though, is that there is one white egg in a brown egg carton because someone out there sucked major at sorting eggs. So really, this isn't a picture glorifying how great it is to be unique; it's a picture of failure.
And this is only the beginning...
lol @ picture of failure...